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Yes, fitness with Jen Selter makes fun and is a good body work Shantal’s Directlinkservice – here again: Fitness and more page of Jen
Yes … this is the last song of the week by Patti Smith. The song is “Rock N Roll Nigger” written by Patti Smith and Lenny Kaye,…
This was never the way I planned Not my intention I got so brave, drink in hand Lost my discretion It’s not what, I’m used to Just wanna…
Hello again! We are almost at the end of our week dedicated to Patti Smith. The song I chose today is her biggest hit, namely “Because the…
Today’s song I’m going to present to you is not exactly a Patti Smith song. It’s name is “Changing of the guards” and it’s actually a Bob…
Elon: This Truck has a door
Hey, Today’s Patti Smith song is “Horses”. This is also the name of her debut studio album after signed with Arista Records. “Horses” has been viewed by critics as…
Hello again! It’s a Patti Smith week and the second song I will presend you is “People have the power”! “People have the power” is a rock…
Shantal and some more people hope and wish and know: Bulls will make the playoffs this year YEAH!
Hello! This is the Patti Smith week! I can talk a lot about Patti Smith. She is unique in that she does so many things and does them…
Take off – out of Abu Dhabi to Paris with Etihad With Shaima and Sophie from Abu Dhabi to Paris (Take off at Abu Dhabi with A380)
More? Yes, with Shantal’s directlink service:
Better, the devil you know – Gabrielle n# Alexa at halloween – so sweeeeet !! A big thank from Shantal for sharing this secret!